Thursday 22 March 2018

Are you getting any results ?

10 reasons why I see people not get results with their online business:

1) they dont read
2) they dont watch tutorial videos
3) they expect someone to hold their hand along the way
4) they blame other people
5) they dont invest
6) they dont put effort into selling and recruiting
7) they dont make videos
8) they dont share value on social media
9) they dont know how to look something up on google
10) all they do is ask for "info" but then do nothing...

>> Http://

The Evolution of Money - Re: Bitcoin

πŸ’²The Evolution of Money - RE: Bitcoin 😲

I’m writing this post in November 2017. And here are just some of the headlines I’m reading today...

πŸ‘‰ “Buy Bitcoin' Overtakes 'Buy Gold' as Online Search Phrase” (Bloomberg)
πŸ‘‰ “Gold Versus Bitcoin: Which Should You Buy?” (Nasdaq)
πŸ‘‰ “Gold and Bitcoin Both Challenge Fiat Currency's Dominance” (Cambridge House International)
πŸ‘‰ “Hedge Funds Push the Price of Bitcoin to New Highs” (New York Times)

And at the moment of me writing this, the price for Bitcoin is at…


That’s up from $4,552.60 on this day LAST MONTH.

Yes, really!

When you do the math - Bitcoin has increased in value by 60% in just a month!

And in the past year - it’s up from $700.30!

That’s a MIND-BOGGLING 897.69% increase in 12 months!

And this my friend, is where I believe money is going - all digital.

Because every single BOOM in history has followed this pattern...

πŸ“ˆ The stock market
🌐 The tech boom
🏑 The housing boom
πŸ’² And now Bitcoin (along with a handful of other cryptocurrencies)

Why is this happening?

Well, a few reasons:

πŸ‘‰ The USD is dead - it’s backed by nothing.
πŸ‘‰ Corruption & human error are rampant in currencies all over the world.
πŸ‘‰ Governments and nations and bureaucrats control money.

In stark contrast - Bitcoin:

πŸ’² Is unhackable. The main thing “backing it” is that it’s safe, stable & available globally.
πŸ’² Is not prone to human error. No need for a banker or middle-man to buy, sell, or trade it.
πŸ’² Is in the hands of the people (for the time being). No government or nation owns it.

So what’s the point here?

The point is this - if you want to invest in something trendy, look at Bitcoin. It's climbing higher and higher despite what the critics say. In fact, many people are predicting 5-digit Bitcoin early next year (2018).

We’ll see.

But like any investment, there’s a risk.

I don’t think being 'trendy' is a good enough reason to invest, though it might be a good reason to get educated and learn more about it.

I CAN tell you gold will be around in 20 years. I can’t say the same about Bitcoin or even the dollar.

There are zero guarantees.

You could win big or, you could lose big.

And while Bitcoin could be a great investment, it's not the main thing I ALWAYS recommend.

My #1 recommendation is still Education. πŸŽ“

Followed closely by investing in Real Estate. But again, there’s still a risk with that. You have to buy and sell right, or you could lose everything.

Then there’s gold, silver, and stocks.

First off, if you're investing in the stock market, you need to be aware that it's a bubble waiting to burst (some say that Bitcoin is too - I don't but only time will tell).

Secondly, gold and silver are fine, but they aren't going to produce a lot of value for you quickly. They’re good to own, but they’re likely not going to make you rich.

So, the safest bet?

It’s this - Entrepreneurship.

Here’s why… an entrepreneur, you control the outcome and earning potential.

Bitcoin, gold, silver, and stocks can all go away in an instant. And you'd have no say in it. That's because you don’t control them.

You can make a good ROI *from them*, but again, it’s ultimately not up to you.

You just watch and react.

But as an entrepreneur - you get to choose your own ending.
Because you’re steering the ship!

And becoming an entrepreneur (as opposed to an employee or business owner) is the best bet you can make.
Because you’re betting on yourself.

And succeeding as an entrepreneur is in your own best interest!


How or WHERE do you start?

Here’s one way to do it - learn how from someone who already has.

Again, this is a business you control.

You call the shots - not a boss, bureaucrat, or government.

So while Bitcoin looks very promising, becoming an entrepreneur is even more appealing because the only thing that’s keeping you from succeeding - is you!

There’s never been a better time to become an entrepreneur!

All you have to do - is take action!


Bitcoin - What is it ?


By now your feed is absolutely filled with Bitcoin. All of a sudden the “experts” are coming out of the woodwork. A bunch of people are offering courses. And there’s talk about the “bubble.”

I’m going to attempt to explain what is happening from a layman’s point-of-view. I don’t know much, but I know the future when I see it. I’ve built my entire career on being first or early to the game. So forgive me if I get it somewhat wrong, but this is what I believe is taking place.

The first thing you need to understand is that what’s happening is NOT about the price of Bitcoin. Sure, Bitcoin $10,000 is all over the news. There are scammy-sounding network marketing organizations capitalizing on people’s FOMO and greed. There are pumping and dumping operations and some coin offerings that are pure scams.

But this is all noise. Here’s what you really need to understand.

The world’s financial systems are broken. The US dollar goes down in value every year. The centralized banking systems put people at the mercy of their high fees and antiquated processes. Trust in the systems of the world, be they political or financial, is at an all-time low.

When Satoshi Nakomoto released the now infamous Bitcoin whitepaper in October 2008, he proposed a new form of currency that be decentralized, meaning no one had control over it. It would be peer-to-peer, meaning anyone could send money quickly and easily without incurring ridiculous fees. It would be anonymous, meaning no one could stick their nose into your personal business. And it would be trustworthy, meaning the ledger created by the blockchain technology that

Bitcoin was built on would be without error.
Without explaining exactly how Bitcoin works, I want to focus on the real key word in the above paragraph.

It’s not Bitcoin. It’s not money. It’s not currency.

The word is BLOCKCHAIN. And it is the reason that Bitcoin is soaring, and that the cryptocurrency market cap currently exceeds $315 BILLION dollars (more than the value of Disney, Wal-Mart and VISA.

In 1993, a web browser was created that changed how we would access information… forever.

In 1997, a company dared take on Blockbuster Video by creating an easier way to rent movies, and eventually pivoted to the leading streaming service they are today.

In 2007, a smartphone was created that seized the market from Nokia and transformed the way we consume information.

And in 2008, an idea was proposed that would forever alter not only how we make purchases, but how we manage contracts of every kind.

You see, regardless of what happens to Bitcoin (bubble be damned), Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that is here to stay. And it is getting ready to disrupt just about every industry you can name. Yes, even your industry.
Is Bitcoin like the tulip craze? Could there be a more asinine question? Flowers vs. revolutionary technology. Hmmm… can you spot the difference?

Has Bitcoin risen ridiculous fast? Yes, there’s no question.
Will there be a pullback? There HAS to be. Gravity says so.
But here’s what’s different about Bitcoin. There are only 21 million of them… ever. Period.

17 million of them are currently in circulation. The other 4 million will slowly come into circulation over the next 120 years. (Yes, you read that right.)

Of the 17 million in circulation, it is estimated that at least 4 million are lost forever. It’s also believed that the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto owns up to a million of them.

That means only 12 million Bitcoin are actually in circulation.
How much printed money is out there? It’s a seemingly endless supply. It’s not hard to come by. It’s not scarce, and the government prints more whenever they feel like it.

Huh. How about that.

Even so, it’s NOT about Bitcoin. It’s about Blockchain, the technology which makes Bitcoin possible.

I’m not a financial analyst or a financial advisor, but I am a futurist. And I can clearly see that there is a revolution taking place right before our eyes.

Blockbuster didn’t see Netflix coming.

Nokia didn’t see Apple coming.

Sears didn’t see Amazon coming.

The world doesn’t see blockchain coming. But it’s here, and it’s not going away.

Bitcoin is now all over the news. Thursday night it hits the mainstream as an episode of The Big Bang Theory will introduce the concept to millions more people. (I'm sure the episode will be stupid because it's a stupid show.)

But the fact is we are at the beginning of the technology adoption curve and over the next ten years we are going to see a transformation of tech that is going to make the smartphone revolution look like a hop from writing with pens to using a typewriter.

Buy Bitcoin or don’t buy Bitcoin. It doesn’t matter. What DOES matter is Blockchain.

Pay attention, whatever your industry may be. If you can’t see how Blockchain WILL disrupt your industry, allow me to introduce you to the executive team at Blockbuster, Nokia and Sears. You’ll be in good company.

Blockchain, my friends. Blockchain.

(Please share this post wherever you like if it would be helpful for your friends and family to read!)

Crypto World Evolution Crypto Auto Trader


Been waiting for this one for some time and its finally here and ready to go...


Literally Amazing!! Super Hot New Crypto Trading Software that trades in REAL TIME...

All I can say is WOW! Finally! An automated trading software that puts you in control of your Cryptocurrency at all times!

Watch it grow exponentially daily. No need to worry about a third party running off with your Bitcoin as your BTC never leaves your trading account. Fully compatible with Bittrex, Binance, HitBTC and more...

If you want to see a LIVE Demo to see exactly how it works send me a private message stating ‘SET IT AND FORGET IT’....or call me right now on +44 7966 871854...

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stating ‘SET IT AND FORGET IT’....
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Adrian Hibbert
Bitcoin Millionaire

Bitcoin Millionaire Facebook Chat..

Hope you can Join my Bitcoin Millionaire Facebook Chat for daily motivation, mentoring & inspiration on how to live the life of your dreams! I will teach and inspire you & give you daily marketing tips to help you earn millions of $’s...Click Below...


CryptoCurrency - Are you in yet ?

The Crypto Conversation started in the 80’s πŸ‘Ύ

Banks tried 175 times to patent it!

The conversation died out because the economy was doing well. πŸ€‘

In 2008 economy crashed and bitcoin emerged. πŸ“ˆ

2008-2012 Tech ppl got rich with bitcoin. πŸ’°

2012-2017 Tech/Entrepreneurs got rich with bitcoin. πŸ’°

2018-2022 is the time of the “Early Adopters,” the first tier of main stream ppl. πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°

2018-2022 is the best time, a few years ago ppl were very skeptical and you would have struggled to convince ppl. 🀨

Now social awareness is here and ppl are very interested! 🧐

After 2022 everyone will have accounts and think they are experts.

That’s when it really goes crazy. πŸ€“

2018-2022 is the sweetest time period. πŸ‘

We are alive in a special part of history where the world will see the biggest shift of wealth its ever seen. 🏦....πŸ‘¨πŸ»‍πŸ’»

Start buying, start mining.
It’s not too late, it’s just getting started!

Adrian Hibbert
44 7966 871854 - Call me anytime

You want a Business Opportunity ?

JAY-Z passed on property for 2 million.

It's now worth $25 MILLION!

Gary Vaynerchuk passed on Uber 2x for $25,000.

It's now worth $60 BILLION!

3 people missed the Mark Zuckerberg Facebook invite.

It's now worth $435 BILLION!!

The majority of you get shown an opportunity within online marketing by someone and refuse to invest less than $100...

Last year, direct selling revenue reached $35.54 billion in the USA alone. Imagine the whole world. The industry pays out $200 MILLION in commissions DAILY!!!

I only want to work with motivated people and action takers.

if this does not suit you then just keep scrolling down.

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Adrian Hibbert
Bitcoin Millionaire

Bitcoin CryptoCurrency Update...

I received some very VERY important news last night.  The Herd is coming

Crypto Insiders are getting ready for a MASSIVE BULL RUN. Institutional Money (Trillions Of Dollars) are about to be poured into this market and we will see the Capitalization of Cryptocurrencies Market EXPLODE.

Well what does that mean for me and you? Well firstly if you have not committed yet and if you have not invested yet then its NOT to late. This move will see NOT Billions BUT Trillions come into the Crypto market and that means money in our pockets (me and you) - I am talking millions of rands and/or dollars

But if you are NOT on the DANCE FLOOR when the Music starts playing you are going to lose out big time..."So get your back off of the wall and get down on it" 😊

This is the SECOND BOOM! And it will be FAR FAR BIGGER than the FIRST BOOM - that made MANY MANY Ordinary people Multi-Millionaires. Do NOT miss the BUS again! You only have yourself to blame this time if you do

Prepare Yourself and Position Yourself to PROFIT from The Second BOOM that is IMMINENT

2018 is going to be the GREATEST YEAR For Cryptocurrencies ever!


Hugh James Cardiff Office - Rhys Evans

With reference to Rhys Evans who works at Hugh James Solicitors at 114-116 St Mary St, Cardiff CF10 1DY...

Hugh James is a full service, top 100 UK law firm offering specialist legal and financial advice.

Rhys Evans deals with a broad range of property disputes including boundary disputes, adverse possession claims, squatter evictions, easements, wayleaves and other third party rights, dilapidations claims, lease renewal litigation, possession claims and general landlord and tenant litigation.

Please contact me on 07966 871854 before you start to do any business with Rhys Evans at Hugh James Solicitors....

Adrian Hibbert

Friday 12 May 2017

10AdsPay Latest Update...

Dear 10AdsPay Family, We would like to start this note with a big Congratulations in completing 11 successful and rewarding months and a ‘BIG THANK YOU’ to make our new ‘Business 4D’ Framework successful after its launch. Everyone witnessed and appreciated great sales and instant pay-outs of value approx. 70,000 USD after we have launched ‘Business 4D’ and that was real amazing.

Further, we have launched the ‘Business 4D’ framework in good trust and faith that members will find it as a best rewarding framework and tool to take their own business to the next level as commission balance were made withdrawable and 2X limits were implemented. Despite of this we are not seeing quality support from our members except few who are trying their best to take business to the greater heights.

Looking at exceptionally high number of pay-out requests, it makes us feel that our members are losing trust and confidence in our business and not willing to participate actively in our ‘Business 4D’ framework on the other hand few members have seen the great potential of ‘Business 4D’ and they came forward to participate in this framework and needless to say they succeeded in their goals and aspiration by adopting to this model.

We request all our members who have supported us in last 11 months, to keep faith high in business and extend the equal support to make this amazing model successful for everyone. The business only works when there is great team work. It’s time for you to support us, your own business.

We don’t think that ‘Business 4D’ model will see any failure as long as we see full support, co-operation and active participation from our entire member base. Unless we have full support and participation from each of the member no matter what we do the business will keep showing significant downfalls.

Just to give you insights what’s going on currently, we have experienced exceptionally high volume of withdrawal requests and support tickets which is now becoming difficult for us to process from the revenue sufficiency and manpower perspective both within our stipulated processing time frame of 72 business working hours considering the current market scenario where trust and confidence of the people from the Revenue share Industry is fading rapidly which ultimately is impacting daily sales volume and its becoming really challenging for us to meet extremely high pay-out requests. We are trying our best to consolidate daily sales and share upto 95% and process the pay-outs on first come first basis. Based on this understanding the payout may see further delays if sales volume is not meeting our payout goals despite of consolidation.

Being proactive rather than becoming reactive we have to make some temp changes with immediate effect in place to overcome this backlog as well as boost the revenue and sales by motivating our premium members and leaders which is as follows:

1. We will be cancelling all Regular Member withdrawals and we may need to cancel all pending withdrawals if situation is not helping, you can cancel your pending premium withdrawals immediately in case if you wish to proceed other way around and help business and other members further

2. We are disabling Regular Member withdrawal till further notice

3. To encourage premium sales we are only keeping commission withdrawals enabled for the till 31st May and monitor it carefully if that helps in increasing our daily sales and that’s limited upto weekly 250$ Monday to Friday (Will be processed based on first come first serve basis)

4. Rest of the ‘Business 4D’ framework will stay as is except changes suggested here

5. We will be closing all the support tickets in the our support queue without any reply which is simply asking about the payout status as it has caused sever backlog in our support queue and we are unable to reply to each and every ticket individually and this communication shall answer any un-attended payout query. We hope you will take it positively and understand how important for us to be really productive in such challenging time

Being an honest and transparent management stakeholder, we are sharing this situation in front of all of our members however we are putting our heart and soul to bring our business back on track by running offline and online promotions, working with several business houses to bring several collaboration on-board to strengthen our external revenue.

We are also looking to be established in Digital Crypto-currency trading space to bring additional revenue, we are currently working with individual business houses to acquire financial aid to establish our footprints in crypto-trading and we are very confident that crypto-trading space has a great potential to bring good wealth to the business if practiced effectively, we are working with our legal team to ensure we have full compliance in place if we practice in this space commercially and combine this with Revenue Share Model. At this moment we are only preparing ourselves to deep dive in this industry space and trying to work out a best solution to take our business to a greater heights, subject to our legal team’s approval.

Meanwhile we request all our members to keep promoting business and help your team. Keep running cross business promotion campaign by advertising 10AdsPay in various other revenue sharing and PTC platforms, it’s really important for us to maintain and stay focussed on our primary business goals and be supportive to each other rather than be negative or speculative.

We appreciate the facts that this situation is not very welcomed or pleasing to be shared, but we believe it’s really important to keep transparency at every moment. We also understand this may cause inconvenience to our members but we have all joined hands together 11 months ago to make this amazing opportunity successful.

On the happy note – 10AdsPay has changed many lives in the online world and always lived up to the honesty and fairness path in last 12 months from the Pre-Launch time.

Please feel free to share your constructive feedback or ideas here to make business really successful.

Also, please feel free share your motivational stories if 10AdsPay have helped you in any way in your life.

We are keeping our positive attitude high and working relentless to make everyone’s dream come true with respect to 10AdsPay.

We are always here to serve you and will keep you posted on a weekly basis as and when needed. Many Thanks once again for your great support and patience!

Director 10AdsPay