Greetings WorldWide SolutionZ Members,
We realize there is confusion and misunderstanding about what is being asked of each of our members.
Carlo, our legal advocate, is working with us to adapt our communications in an attempt to provide clarification. We will continue to send out updates to keep all members informed.
You will have noticed that the website is currently not accessible. You will have also seen the announcement giving a brief explanation of why the website is not accessible. Some have indicated that they are confused by the use of the word, “trading” in that context. Especially in the online community, people generally think of currency trading. Of course everyone knows that WWSz is not involved in currency trading. We are using the term in the broader sense to simply refer to conducting business. We are currently not conducting business while we work through this compliance phase. It is as simple as that.
This is a voluntary action on our part so that we can most efficiently implement changes to become compliant with things we were not aware of and only found out about in recent weeks after strugling to do business as usual. It is our intent to keep this interruption as brief as possible but we need all the help of all our members.
Life Jacket members who have kept themselves updated regarding future plans for the Life Jacket program are aware that we spoke of transitions that would be made in phases. We are now in phase one, which is to bring the entire business into compliance for KYC (Know Your Customer / Client) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) laws that pertain to all businesses handling financial transactions.
This means that all future financial transactions between WWSz and our members will take place only with those persons who have completed the KYC and AML compliance procedure. This applies to South Africa members as well as to our international members.
The checklist below outlines the documentation that we are required to collect for KYC and AML per the Reserve Bank of South Africa.
At this time, approximately 30% of our members have completed the compliance procedure. It is our preference to include 100% of our members in this phase before we move on. However, we will not hold up the entire business and those who are cooperating in order for everyone to finally comply.
Everyone wishing to be included in this phase should send their documentation as outlined to by the end of Wednesday, January 21, 2015 South Africa time so we can wrap this up and move on to the next phase.
Anyone who misses the January 21 cut off will have the opportunity to complete the KYC and AML compliance process at a later date, sometime after we have everything up and running again for all of the members who have cooperated and sent in compliance in a timely manner. Again, remember that all financial transactions moving forward will be only with those accounts that have cleared KYC and AML. Failure to comply by the stated deadline will result in significant delays for progress on member accounts not included in this phase.
Here again are the documentation requirements. Please send via email to .
- Full name: First name and last name, and proof of identity. (Passport, or other government issued ID.)
- Registration numbers and papers for businesses if you have a business registered with us. If you do not have a business registered, just indicate N/A for this item.
- Proof of residence. Must be physical address and postal address if applicable.
- Reason (relationship) for doing business with WorldWide SolutionZ.
- Currency used when sending funds to WWSz for Registrations, Life Jackets and other transactions.
- Total out-of-pocket funds added to WorldWide SolutionZ Life Jacket Account. Attach proof of funding transactions. Out-of-pocket refers only to funds sent from outside of WWSz and does not include purchases made with earnings in WWSz wallets.
- Proof of income used to fund WorldWide SolutionZ accounts, (where did the money come from ie, salaries, savings, loans, etc) Attach screenshots.
- Confirmation that you read, understood and accepted the WWSz membership agreement. Simply state either “Yes” or “No” to indicate your response.
- Confirmation that you read, understood, and accepted the Private Membership Agreement and Articles of Association. Simply state either “Yes” or “No” to indicate your response.
- Confirmation that you have not been offered shares in WorldWide SolutionZ and do not own shares in WorldWide SolutionZ at this point in time. Simply state either “Yes” or “No” to indicate your response.
All questions regarding the above requirements and this compliance process should be directed to Carlo via email at this address:, please in all correspondence to ensure we have m ore help available overall.
The process on our end is intensive. We work with entities who work office hours, so we have to make time to connect with them when they are available. While this project is huge and all-consuming for us, it is just another project to include in multi-tasking for those who are helping us with the paperwork. We spend our days assisting to make everything flow as smoothly as possible, along with addressing other things involved with preparing to return to business.
We need all the cooperation we can get, to help us focus and save time. We believe that all of our members want to continue to success with their WWSz accounts, and we ask that everyone cooperate accordingly.
We want to answer all emails, skypes, messages and calls, but we just can’t take the time right now to do that. That is why we have two very specific email addresses for member contact for this process:
Send your compliance email with documents to .
Send your questions regarding the process, including clarification for what is required for documentation, to
We will get to the other emails and correspondence when we catch up a bit, please duplicate, angry and threatening e mails are not only adding to pressuere but also causing delays we can not afford at this time, time is precious and we need to make the most of every second we have available.
Some people have been sending multiple repeat emails daily. Think about it, please. If you want success, you must contribute by cooperating so that we can get through this as quickly as possible. I understand the fear and anger that some are experiencing, but now it is time for each and every person to do their part so that we can get the big picture taken care of.
Time is precious. There are many things to do and consider as we plan for going forward.
Thank you for reading this update! Remember to share it with your downline, and keep it in a safe place so that you can read it again at your convenience. We know that everyone is eager to have the site come back up, the withdrawal function enabled, and payments resume. We are too! So let’s work together and get through this phase of what is on our path.
Thank you also to everyone who is cooperating and helping others to complete the compliance process. We appreciate you all so very much!
We will continue to send out updates as we progress.
Love, Light and Gratitude
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