Thursday, 22 March 2018

CryptoCurrency - Are you in yet ?

The Crypto Conversation started in the 80’s 👾

Banks tried 175 times to patent it!

The conversation died out because the economy was doing well. 🤑

In 2008 economy crashed and bitcoin emerged. 📈

2008-2012 Tech ppl got rich with bitcoin. 💰

2012-2017 Tech/Entrepreneurs got rich with bitcoin. 💰

2018-2022 is the time of the “Early Adopters,” the first tier of main stream ppl. 💰💰💰

2018-2022 is the best time, a few years ago ppl were very skeptical and you would have struggled to convince ppl. 🤨

Now social awareness is here and ppl are very interested! 🧐

After 2022 everyone will have accounts and think they are experts.

That’s when it really goes crazy. 🤓

2018-2022 is the sweetest time period. 👍

We are alive in a special part of history where the world will see the biggest shift of wealth its ever seen. 🏦....👨🏻‍💻

Start buying, start mining.
It’s not too late, it’s just getting started!

Adrian Hibbert
44 7966 871854 - Call me anytime

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