Monday 13 October 2014


When you make a decision to pursue your dreams as an entrepreneur, the next thing that happens is you get presented with a series of obstacles that knock most people down.
But these obstacles aren't there to stop you. They are there to see how bad you really want it!
So many people want the easy victory. They want the overnight success. They want the instant gratification.
But a true entrepreneur recognizes that there are REAL opportunities to create abundance and wealth for your family, while at the same time creating REAL change and impact in the world.
And those opportunities require REAL work. They require dedication, and focus, and commitment, and relentlessness.
Your friends will tell you that you are a workaholic. Your family won't understand your mission. Your own mind will battle you daily and make you question yourself and wonder if you are truly crazy.
But that's the beauty of entrepreneurship.
You get to create your own outcome. You get to decide if you fall victim to your circumstances, or whether you reframe them and use them as motivation for your victory!
Your odds of success are exactly what you decide they will be.
Think about it this way. Let's say you wanted to become a black belt in Martial Arts. What are your odds of success? 10%? 50%?
No, your odds are 100%! If you make a decision that you will do whatever it takes, and you dedicate the time and energy to it with a PASSION, and you make the necessary sacrifices to ensure that you reach that goal...
Then you will achieve that goal. With 100% accuracy.
You see, society will be one of your biggest haters along your journey. There will be facts and statistics to prove that your odds of success are not likely. Such as 95% of business owners failing in their first 5 years of business. Or only 1/3rd of college students graduating in any given class.
Well guess what. If you were dedicated to do whatever it took to be that 1/3 then you have 100% odds of making it happen!
So really, the odds are in YOUR favor!
YOU can choose to create ANY result that you want in life.
You are motivated enough.
And when I say motivated, I mean it this way.
Do you make excuses along your journey as to why your not achieving your maximum potential?
Such as:
"Chris, you don't understand, I'm so much older than you I can't learn things as fast as you."
"Chris, if I had as much money as you of course it would be easy to have success"
"Chris, I'm so busy every day with my kids and my job, that I just don't have the time to put towards a business like you do."
And any other unlimited amount of excuses.
Here is my question to you.
Do you realize that those excuses don't set me back at all? The only person those excuses hurt are YOU. So why would you be taking the time to state out loud things that are guaranteed to limit your success?
Instead of saying you don't have time, why not say that not having time is the REASON you are building your business on the side, so that you can have ALL the time freedom that you want so that you can live the life you truly deserve.
Instead of saying you are old and slow to learn things, why not say you are old, and thus EXPERIENCED! You have a life full of experience and wisdom and knowledge that make most of us jealous. Take advantage of this as a strength and not a weakness!
Instead of saying you have no money, make that the REASON why you will do whatever it takes so that you never have to let money control your life and your freedom and your decisions like that again.
Once you realize that you are in FULL control over your life, you will finally start believing in your abilities and you will stop letting excuses dictate the results that you deserve.
Instead of saying "I Can't", learn how to say "How Can I"!
Then, go from "How Can I" to "I Can"!
Then from "I Can" to "I Did".
And at that point you can begin paying it forward and helping others by sharing your wisdom that you gained along your journey.
And when you become the teacher, that's when you truly end up learning the most.
So, if you have read this far in my post, then here is my question for you in the comments. And I want you to be honest with me.

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