Monday 27 April 2015

MLM Secrets - 10 Steps to Success in Network Marketing

When doing some keyword research I found out that a lot of people are searching for the keyword "MLM Secrets". So I guess the question I have is this ... Are there really such things as secrets in MLM? Is there any magic sauce that will guarantee your success in MLM / Network Marketing?

MLM Secret # 1 - Fall in Love with your product, company and culture. Find a product that you can be passionate about. While it IS possible to have success even if you're not in love with the product , a passion for the product will just make your job a lot easier. Be a product of the product

MLM Secret # 2 -- Don't be a secret agent. You can have the best product in the world but if you don't tell anybody about it you not to make any money. So be an evangelist for your company and products. Shout ti from the rooftops. And most importantly be a "Product of the Product". If you don't use you own product why should anybody else?

MLM Secret # 3 -- Be consistent. It is much better to work an hour or two a day on your MLM business than do nothing all week and try to make it up all on the weekend. It's like a snowball rolling downhill. If you are constantly stopping and starting your business your momentum will slow.

MLM Secret # 4 -- Focus. With the advent of the Internet it is very easy to get distracted. If you are on Facebook or any other social media site you probably get hit up with a dozen opportunities per day. Remember this, you can't do them all. So pick one, put your blinders on, and get to work.

MLM Secret #5 -- Brand yourself, not your company. People join people, not companies. When I first got involved with MLM I used to promote it on America Online (AOL). I would always pick an AOL screen name that had the name of the MLM company that I was involved with in it. After going through several MLM companies in my first few years and having to change the screen names I finally realized I should just brand myself and so I took the AOL screen name "Jack Bastide".

MLM Secret # 6 -- Work on yourself more than you work on your business. There's an old saying leaders are readers. Instead of watching mindless TV why not pick up a personal development book or listen to an audio? Fill your mind with success principles stuff and you will have success.

MLM Secret # 7 -- If you can't change your friends ... change your friends. Many friends may tell you that MLM doesn't work. It's a scam. These are the same people were living paycheck to paycheck and going to a job that they absolutely hate. So why would you take financial advice from somebody that's not having the financial results that you want? They say that your income will be the average of your five closest friends. Start hanging out with like-minded people

MLM Secret # 8 -- Be a perpetual student. When you think you know it all you're about to have a fall.You should always be sharpening your ax. Be a student of marketing.

MLM Secret # 9 -- Your product is not your product. Your product is people. Always be building your network and never prejudge anybody. Did you ever wonder why certain people can join an MLM company and rocket to the topic compensation plan in The blink of an eye? It's because of their relationships. The larger your network, the larger your net worth.

MLM Secret # 10 - Never give up! If is often said that most people quit right before they are about to have success. One of my friends joined 11 Network Marketing companies in 10 years and never sponsored a single person.

In his 12th company he became a millionaire

I hope you enjoyed these 10 MLM Secrets. Please comment below with any of your own secrets...

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