Monday 2 April 2018

The beginning of the end of the $US Dollar....

And so it begins ... the beginning of the end of the $US Dollar as the globally accepted 'reserve currency' - already major buyers of Petro-Chemicals (Oil) are unhitching their national currencies from being 'pegged' to the $USD and are turning towards a GOLD backed Petro-Yuan - why is it so important that it's 'gold backed' - this is important because it GUARANTEES the vlaue of the Petro-Yuan - if it says its worth 20 Yuan - then its worth 20 YUAN In GOLD!!! This is called a 'Gold Standard'.

In 1971 Nixon ended (Fraudulently) the 'Brettonwoods' agreement on the basis that it was a temporary measure. now nearly 50 years on that 'temporary' measure has brought the value of the $USD to almost nothing through something currency devaluation (which is decpetively labelled as 'inflation' when its nothing of the sort).

The UK Pound along with many other national currencies is 'pegged' to the price index of the $USD and thats why over the last decade the perecntages paid to savers has declined to almost nothing whilst the fees to borrowers has skyrocketed to stupid levels. So why would anyone try to build wealth by putting 'paper money' backed by the $USD into a bank that doesn't want to give you anything anyway. It just doesn't make sense at all!

So - what should YOU do about all this. Well the answer is a simple one and people such as myself and many others all over the world have been aware of this day coming for may years and we have all been quietly taking measures to protect ourselves from the greed and crass stupidity of the American Federal Reserver and its elite banking owners.

Those measures were simple - we bought Gold & more importantly Silver every month, month in month out for years (12 years in my case). We quietly stacked and stacked and now at last our day is here.

For as the $USD enters its death-throes and the world turns once more to a currency backed by something of value - then that something of value will only INCREASE in value. Gold because the value of the Gold backed Petro-Yuan will underpin the gold markets and Silver because it is the single most used metal in industry bar none and the demand is rising fast but the supply of surface silver is dwindling even faster.

So what does this mean for Silver - only one thing!

The value of Silver over the next few years is going to skyrocket as demand increases, supply decreases and the value of Gold rises to cope with the demands of the Petro-Yuan.

When many of us started buying Silver we were paying £3.00 / $4.75 an ounce. Today its £25.00 an ounce RETAIL - nobody can buy at Spot unless you are buying in tonnes directly off the mine-face.

So - how can YOU get in on the ACT - how can YOU get Gold & Silver at exactly the right price TODAY (which is exaclty the right time).

Simple - you contact me and I wil show you how AND I will also show you a simple way in which you can get all your GOl & Silver paid for so that it costs you NOTHING, ZERO, NADA.

PM me TODAY and I will help you get started.

Adrian Hibbert
Gold and Silver Millionaire
44 7966 871854 - Cal me anytime p

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