Tuesday 30 December 2014

This Time Next Year Rodders.....

Are you a Millionaire Yet ?

I hope you had a great Christmas and are having a relaxing week.

If you're like most Entrepreneurs, even when you're watching another re-run of 'Only Fools and Horses' half your mind is wandering off to the year ahead and your plans for success.
I do think that this is an important time of year for us to take a step back and start thinking about how we're going to make 2015 special - and profitable.

With that in mind, here are three key factors that the most successful Entrepreneurs I've worked with over the last 20 years build into their planning:

1. Clarity. It's not enough to hope for a successful new year. Your brain needs more clarity and precision than that. It needs to know precisely what you want, so that if you wander off course, your sub conscious mind draws your attention to it and comes up with a solution. By the  1st January you should be able to produce a piece of paper with three key pieces of information on it:

Your target turnover for 2015
Your target profits for 2015

How many new customers you are going to need in 2015 to achieve those goals.

Without these numbers, you are wandering into the new year with nothing but a vague idea of what you want. With the numbers, you have the power of clarity and precision.

2. An Internet Marketing Plan. You don't need me to tell you that the future of your business depends on your ability to master the internet. I work with thousands of business owners every year and without exception, those who succeed and particularly those who become millionaire entrepreneurs, are masters of the internet. Everyone else is struggling and frustrated with the internet. If you've got a website that is not performing, you are not alone and it's probably not your fault. You may not have had the support and advice you need. But sorting this out once and for all should be top of your list for the year ahead.

3. Time. How you handle time will have a major impact on your level of success in 2015. The 80/20 Principle tells us that 80% of your results tend to come from just 20% of your efforts. So, for example, in most businesses 80% of profits come from just 20% of customers. So you should treat the top 20% radically differently from the rest (whoever said that all customers were equal was nuts). But it also means that 80% of your results and profits probably only come from about 20% of your time. If that's the case, is it possible that 80% of your time is spent on activities that are either a waste of your time - or at least an ineffective use of your time? Creating a Time Revolution in your life is the biggest gift you can give yourself for the new year. And spending more of that time on Marketing and Internet Marketing will make you a lot of money.

As we enter 2015, I will be spending 10 weeks working with a group of success driven business owners to make 2015 their best year ever. If you would like to be one of them then please get in touch with me..

If you 'get' that the key to success is getting all the customers you need - and the key to that is great marketing and internet marketing, come and join me:

Then, as Dell boy would say, this time next year........

Always be Awesome.

Work Smart and Not Hard.

Adrian Hibbert - Cal me anytime on 07966 871854

"In the long run, it’s not just how much money you make in your Job or your own Business that will determine your wealth but how much of that money you put to work by investing in the Right ASSETS..."

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