It’s been a few months now since I seen you in London, how
have you been?
Corinna and I were just saying how much we enjoyed sharing
the information with you.
How are things coming along?
I wanted to remind you and re-introduce you to Cathi Hargaden,
she was the lovely lady at the door helping everybody.
She is also a good friend of mine and very, very intelligent woman.
She has helped me create so much more wealth it’s not funny.
I’ve twisted her arm to do her famous webinar and it’s on tomorrow
at midday and/or night.
TUESDAY 29th OF JULY AT ==> 12:00PM - 1:30PM BST
TUESDAY 29th OF JULY AT ==> 8:00PM - 9:30PM BST
Have you ever wondered why Wealth attracts more Wealth?
How can 2 people read the same book or do the same course
and only 1 of them becomes wealthy.
There are a few good reasons for this and it’s because there
are underlying factors at play:
- like attracts like; vibrations attract money vibrations so
no matter how much information you have if the energy
of your environment does not resonate wealth how can
you attract it? - clarity, focus, and goals when they show up in the
environment those subliminal messages of success
affect your performance. - when you start to shift your perception the energy
where you live and work begins to affect other
aspects of your life and they start to shift too for
the better!
me realise not only getting rid of the clutter and changing
the energy of the home shifted things but also to place
things strategically in the environment reminded me of
my goals and how to reflect the purpose of my direction in and around me.
As a result it has mad me acutely aware of what I have
around me is subliminally affecting my mind, focus and
where I want to be.
You would be well placed yourself if you make it your
one goal today to register:
TUESDAY 29th OF JULY AT ==> 12:00PM - 1:30PM BST
TUESDAY 29th OF JULY AT ==> 8:00PM - 9:30PM BST
Cathi has a great passion for this subject. She has lived in many
different environments making her aware of how they affect your
well-being and your success.
This webinar is going to offer you a step by step account of:
- the one MAJOR wealth blocker most people don't know
they have in their home. - two ways in which you can change 'the feeling' of a place
even just to get rid of your own self defeating thoughts. - which direction you need to focus on for your WEALTH
compass. - there is a cycle to your wealth - find out how you get on
board that cycle today by reflecting it in your environment.
TUESDAY 29th OF JULY AT ==> 12:00PM - 1:30PM BST
TUESDAY 29th OF JULY AT ==> 8:00PM - 9:30PM BST
Because Cathi showed me the process I have asked her to share
it with your today. So join me and my guest, Cathi Hargaden by
registering now.
P.S. This is great if you’re into property, web business, stock market
or any other areas of your life where you want to create more, be
more, have more and create the most amazing space to work, live
and play. Register now. Do NOT miss this webinar. :D
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