Sunday 20 July 2014

Mindset vs Action

Mindset seems to be the one thing that is drilled into you when you come into Network Marketing and Internet Marketing and it amazes me how many people don't do it and don't think its important.

This is where it gets a little bit tricky. 

The balance between action and personal development. 

Some people will tell you that mindset is not important. They will say its a bunch of nonsense and I have to disagree. 

The reason is because no matter what you do you need to be in the right mindset.

For example, if you decide you want to do paid marketing but you are terrified of losing your money and not getting any results that is exactly what will happen and you won't continue doing what needs to be done to build your business fast because you are so terrified of losing money. 

I hear it all the time. "I tried it" and "it didn't work." 

Well right there is what you're doing wrong. 

You said you tried it. You did not say you did it, but instead you said tried.

When you say try all that means is I doubted it was going to work and guess what! 
It didn't! 

It didn't work because you decided to just dip your toe in the water. 

That never works so please do yourself a favor and just jump in. 

I mean you need to commit to what you are doing. You need to commit to it and say no matter what happens I am going to make it happen. 

Once you have made a commitment then you start to take action. Something happens to you when you decide your going to make it happen vs just trying.

Doors start to open up for you and you start making connections with like minded people. 

Of course I can only speak from my personal experience, but when it comes down to it I know why I struggled so much for so long. It was my mindset. 

I did not believe in what I was doing. Mainly the problem was I did not see any results or very little results so my belief just kept getting weaker and weaker. 

Maybe you are there now. 

Maybe you are in a place where you just don't believe you are ever going to make any money online. 

Maybe you feel like this doesn't work and everyone making money is just making it up. 

I have met people that really do think this way and it could not be farther from the truth. 

If you want to start making money online you need to get your mind in a place where you can believe in what you're doing. You need to see yourself as being successful and you need to then take action. 

This is a topic I could write book on but I will leave you with this. It all starts with your mindset. Be sure you are reading and listening to audios that are going help you build that mindset daily. 

While you are working on your mindset you are doing. You are putting into practice the skills you need to be developing on a daily basis doing them consistently all while still working on the mindset. 

Whatever way you look at it they go together. If you don't believe in what you are doing results will not happen. If you believe in what you are doing and do nothing but believe same results. No results will happen. 

One thing I know is little results are better than no results and will equal bigger results in the near future.

This is why when I see a program that provides you a way to get results doing some of the smallest things I get excited. 

You see when you get some kind of result even if you make just a few cents at a time that is going to motivate you to do more. On the other hand if you are working your butt off and you see nothing for a long time, well most people are going to quit.

So little results equal bigger results because now you have real motivation going on. Its called UP MOTIVATION which comes from getting results. 

The other type of motivation is DOWN MOTIVATION and that comes from the whole "You can do it!" "You have what it takes" and any other type of motivation that comes from lifting a person up. 

This kind of motivation only last so long then you go back to your baseline. 

But UP MOTIVATION is different. UP MOTIVATION just keeps you going strong. UP MOTIVATION makes you want to continue doing what you are doing and do more of it. 

Could you see how having a program that provides UP MOTIVATION right out the gate could really help you increase your income? 

It could fire you up to do more and your team as well. 

Just imagine what it would be like if you could get paid for doing something your supposed to be doing anyway to build your business. 

I'm talking about getting paid for leads that you generate for your business. 

This is the little results that equal bigger results. 

Hope this post helps you in your Online Business.

Adrian Hibbert

+44 7966 871854 -- Call me anytime if you want SUCCESS!!!

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